Write about the best part-time job or internship for students. Win a $3,000 scholarship!
Winner: Morissa Szmyt
Due December 31st
Starts in January
Starts in April
How It Works
ZipRecruiter is offering a $3,000 scholarship to the winning college or university student with the most creative entry in our Autumn 2017 Scholarship Promotion.
The Grand Prize Winner each quarter will receive the $3,000 scholarship.
To enter, please write a 250-500 word essay
on one of the following three topics.
The best on- or off-campus part-time jobs for students at your school
The top local internship opportunities for students in your major and the best approach to land a top internship.
How ZipRecruiter can help you find your next job in your city.
Entry Rules
Essays must be limited to 250 to 500 words and submitted in .PDF, .DOC, or .DOCX file format. You may also include images, infographics, and diagrams provided that (i) the entire essay submission fits on one page and (ii) all the content, including your essay and images, etc., are your original work, and (iii) no part of your essay submission is owned by a third party. If your Entry includes any third-party materials, it will be disqualified.
Applicant Eligibility
At the conclusion of the specific Entry Period for each quarterly Promotion, you must (i) be a legal resident of one of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia, (ii) be 18 years of age or older (or at least the age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence), and (iii) be enrolled as a student at an accredited high school, college or university in the United States.
Application open
Application deadline
Winner announced